Med hjälp av finansiering från
The Sven Hedin Foundation was created in , upon the death of the famous swedish explorer Sven Hedin (), in accordance with his will. It is owned by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and contains the entire scientific and financial estate that Sven Hedin left behind.
On Saturday February 14
A Virtual Journey Through Asia in Sven Hedin’s footsteps. Med hjälp av finansiering från Internetfonden tillgängliggör Sven Hedins stiftelse vid Kungliga vetenskapsakademien delar av de omfattande samlingar som den upptäcktsresande, världsberömde svenske geografen Sven Hedin ( – ) lämnade efter sig. Digitaliserat. SVEN HEDIN levde och är
Sven Anders Hedin, KNO1kl RVO, (19 February – 26 November ) was a Swedish geographer, topographer, explorer, photographer, travel writer and illustrator of his own works. During four expeditions to Central Asia, he made the Transhimalaya known in the West and located sources of the Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej Rivers. En av förlagets största och
A Virtual Journey Through Asia in Sven Hedin’s footsteps. Med hjälp av finansiering från Internetfonden tillgängliggör Sven Hedins stiftelse vid Kungliga vetenskapsakademien delar av de samlingar som Sven Hedin lämnade efter sig. Sven Hedin ( -
Sven Hedin’s Publications. The size and complexity of the famous Swedish explorer Sven Hedin’s bibliography rival the scope of his explorations. His books were excerpted, translated and republished in dozens of locations and languages. For the uninitiated, figuring out which version of a Hedin title may contain something of interest and be. SVEN HEDIN UTSTÄLLNINGEN. Anordnad av
Sven Anders Hedin, (born February 19, , Stockholm, Sweden—died November 26, , Stockholm), Swedish explorer who led through Central Asia a series of expeditions that resulted in important archaeological and geographical findings.
Sven Anders Hedin. Publisher,
The Sven Hedin Foundation publishes the series “Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin”. A list of publications available, with prices in SEK (Packing and Postage not included), can be downloaded below.» List of Publications, Chronologically ordered (Updated ). Teckningar gjorda av Sven Hedin
Forskningsresanden, Sven Hedin ( - ) har efterlämnat ett mycket omfattande arkiv som tillhör Vetenskapsakademien men av Sven Hedin-stiftelsen har deponenrats i riksarkivet. Överförandet av depositionen har skett vid flera tillfällen under åren - Arkivet har av undertecknad presenterats i en uppsats "Sven Hedins.